A Day Off At The Seaside After Working All Week At Brentford FC

A Day Off At The Seaside After Working All Week At Brentford FC

As well as Scandiwegians, I also have a 'day job' I do when my services are required. It's installing and maintaining electrical tv broadcasting equipment at major sports grounds like Wembley, Wimbledon and English Premier League ("EPL") football grounds.

Claus Scandiwegians at Fulham Football Club

June and July is the peak period as that's when the EPL isn't playing, so work can be done on their grounds. How much work is required, so whether they need me, depends on which teams get promoted to the EPL each year. This year Brentford*, a team that had never been in the EPL before, got promoted so they needed a new installation. Brentford is in London, the area I mainly cover. So I have been working in West London all week, and then spending weekends doing the electrical Scandiwegians tasks that Corinna doesn't do.

It's good to be busy, especially as we have lots of bills to pay on our house. But it's really tiring. And like many people, we haven't had a proper holiday since 2019, especially as we had to keep working throughout lockdown. So I'm really looking forward to the borders finally opening so I can travel home to Denmark, as I haven't seen my family since last year.

In the meantime, we went on a wonderful day out at the seaside. We live about 50km from the nearest coast at Brighton. We absolutely love Brighton, but we wanted somewhere a bit quieter, so we headed just along the coast to Worthing.

Worthing is a beautiful traditional Victorian English seaside resort with miles of sea front promenade and a wonderful old pier that was built in 1862. The weather wasn't great, overcast and a bit drizzly, but we love the seaside in this weather, and it means it's much quieter.

It was lunchtime when we arrived so we headed for the Crabshack's new mobile unit and got some prawn loaded fries with Goan curry sauce and shared it, sitting on a sheltered bench. It was absolutely yummy and set us up for a lovely walk along the seafront and on the pier.

As well as the Crabshack, there were lots of other food and drink outlets along the seafront including Worthing Gin and the wonderfully named 'Taco Look At Me Now'. 

Walking westwards past the pier, we noticed Level 1 which we hadn't seen before. It is an outdoor eating and drinking venue facing the sea, situated, rather unusually, at the front of a multi storey car park! We spotted 'Fika' so, with the Scandi link in mind, we headed over and, after wiping the rain off the seats, enjoyed an extremely nice coffee and cinnamon bun.

We then headed one block inland to Worthing's 'West End', a street of independent shops and food outlets, and had a little wander. We really liked this hobbit hedge we saw there.

Worthing has some great architecture that we love to look at. We really enjoy the pretty Victorian 'ice cream' terraces, the grand Victorian mansion blocks, and the stunning Art Deco buildings. Plus of course, it has the sea, and nothing beats that, even if it’s a typical English pebbly beach. We think Worthing really is a great place to visit.

All in all, it was a really lovely relaxing day and we look forward to going back to Worthing again very soon. But for now, it’s back to Brentford!

* By coincidence Brentford FC, based in West London, has Danish links. It has a shared ownership with Danish Superliga team, Midtjylland and as result has six Danish players in its first team squad, two of whom were in the Danish national squad that reached the semi finals of the Euro 2020(1) Championships. 

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